How to Use Templates in Go Programming

|Learn how to use templates in Go programming to generate dynamic content, and master the art of templating in Golang.|


Templates are a powerful feature in Go programming that allows you to separate presentation logic from business logic. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use templates in Go programming to generate dynamic content.

How it Works

In Go, templates are implemented using the text/template package. A template is essentially a text file with placeholders for dynamic data. The text/template package allows you to parse a template and execute it with a given data set, replacing placeholders with actual values.

To use templates in Go programming, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a Template File

First, create a new file with the .tmpl extension. For example, hello.tmpl. This will be your template file.

# hello.tmpl
Hello {{ .Name }}

In this example, we have a simple template that says “Hello” followed by a placeholder for the user’s name.

Step 2: Create a Data Structure

Next, create a data structure to hold the dynamic data. In Go, you can use structs to represent data.

type Greeting struct {
    Name string

In this example, we have a Greeting struct with a single field Name.

Step 3: Parse and Execute the Template

Now, parse the template file using the text/template package. Then, execute it with a given data set.

package main

import (


func main() {
    tmpl := template.Must(template.ParseFiles("hello.tmpl"))
    var g Greeting = Greeting{Name: "John"}
    buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("")
    err := tmpl.Execute(buffer, g)
    if err != nil {

In this example, we parse the hello.tmpl template file and execute it with a Greeting struct. The output will be:

Hello John

Step 4: Use Templates in Your Go Program

Now that you know how to use templates in Go programming, here’s an example of using templates in a real-world scenario.

Suppose we have an e-commerce website and we want to display a list of products. We can create a template file called products.tmpl with placeholders for product information.

# products.tmpl
{{ range .Products }}
        {{ .Name }} ({{ .Price }})
{{ end }}

Then, in our Go program, we can parse and execute the template with a list of products.

package main

import (


type Product struct {
    Name  string
    Price int

func main() {
    tmpl := template.Must(template.ParseFiles("products.tmpl"))
    var products []Product = []Product{
        {Name: "Apple", Price: 10},
        {Name: "Banana", Price: 5},
    buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("")
    err := tmpl.Execute(buffer, map[string]interface{}{"Products": products})
    if err != nil {

The output will be:

    Apple (10)
    Banana (5)

Best Practices

When using templates in Go programming, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use meaningful variable names and avoid unnecessary variables.
  • Keep your templates concise and focused on presentation logic.
  • Avoid complex logic in your templates. Instead, use Go code to handle that complexity.
  • Use the range keyword to iterate over arrays or slices.
  • Use the mustache syntax for conditional statements.

Common Challenges

When using templates in Go programming, here are some common challenges you may face:

  • Parsing errors: Make sure your template files are properly formatted and parsed correctly.
  • Data type mismatch: Ensure that the data types of your variables match the expectations of your templates.
  • Template execution errors: Use a debugger or print out error messages to diagnose issues.


In this tutorial, we’ve explored how to use templates in Go programming. We’ve covered the basics of template files, parsing and executing templates with data sets, and best practices for using templates effectively. By following these guidelines and examples, you should be able to master the art of templating in Golang.